Asst. Professor, TU Delft, & Amazon Visiting Academic at AWS. Chair of the Data-intensive Systems Group.

Before joining TU Delft, I spent a year with the SAP Innovation Center in Berlin, working on scalable architectures for machine learning inference and training. Before SAP, I was a postdoc at the database systems group in TU Berlin, headed by Volker Markl. I received my PhD from INRIA Saclay & Universite Paris-Sud in 2013, supervised by Ioana Manolescu. Prior to that, I was a member of the High Performance Computing systems Lab (HPCL), at the University of Cyprus, working with Marios Dikaiakos.

I work in the broad area of scalable data management, and more specifically on data analytics, stream processing, Cloud computing, distributed transactions and data integration.

I have been awarded the ACM SIGMOD Research Highlights Award in 2015, best paper award at EDBT 2019, the NWO VIDI grant in 2023, the EDBT best demo award in 2023, as well as the ACM SIGMOD Systems Award in 2023.

PhD Students

Asterios Kαtsifodimos - Αστέριος Κατσιφοδήμος


1E100 (1st floor, East, Room 100)
Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6
2628XE Delft

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